Jean Lumb Awards – Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where do I send my application?
You can only apply online. Do not send your application by email.

2. If I am applying for more than one awards category, do I need to have separate references for each category?
You need to submit an application for each award category. For example, if you apply for two categories, say in Academics and Community Services, you will need a complete application package for each: one for Academics and one for Community Services.

For the references, you must have two references, at least one from a staff member at your school, for each award category. Using the scenario of applying for Academics and Community Services, you need two references that are specific for Academics and two references that are specific for Community Services. Do not use the same references for both award applications.

3. Is there a limit as to how many students can apply from one high school?
There is no limit. We often have several applicants from one high school.

4. Can high school students from any grade apply or do you have to be in your last year?
Students, from grades 9 to 12, can apply. We have had award winners who were in grade 9.

5. How will I know if I have won one of the Jean Lumb Awards?
All the winners will be contacted by August 31.  

6. If I don’t win the Jean Lumb Award, can I re-apply next year?
Yes, as long as you are still in high school. 

7. If I win the Jean Lumb Award, can I apply next year?
No. Applicants cannot be a past award winner. 

8. I want to include a list of my awards and leadership positions. Where do I send this list?
Include this information in your resume.

9. Are Visa or International students eligible to apply?
Applicants must be of Chinese heritage and Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Visa or international students are not eligible to apply.

10. When accessing the Application / Reference Form, I see: ‘This form is no longer accepting responses’, but the application period is still open. Why is this happening?
When accessing the Application / Reference form, we recommend using a personal Gmail address rather than a school board-issued email address. Some users have experienced problems accessing the form due to security features on school board or institutional email addresses that restrict access to the form.

11. Can I send attachments, like transcripts and report cards, after the application deadline?
We cannot accept any documents after the application deadline.

12. Should the transcript include my marks from all four years of my high school?
We only need your most recent year.

13. Does the transcript have to be an official one?
It does not have to be the final and official one. Your most recent transcript or report card is sufficient.

14. I am applying for the Arts Award. Is there a limit to the amount of work/pieces to include?
There is no limit.

15. I have received several university acceptances but have not finalized my decision yet. Should I leave this information blank or wait until I make my final decision?
You can indicate where you have applied. If you have decided, then you can include the university on the application.

16. I have been accepted to attend the University of Toronto Scarborough. Do I still need to submit an online application?
In order to be eligible for this award category, you must apply for at least one of the other awards. There is no separate application just for the University of Toronto Scarborough Entrance Award.

17. Can I win more than one award?
You can apply for as many award categories as you like but you can only win one of them.

18. For my two references, do they have to be submitted with the rest of the application or submitted separately?
Your two reference letters should be submitted with the rest of the application.

19. The application instructions state that the Foundation can use my application and photo but I don’t see anywhere for submitting a photo.
It is not necessary to submit a photo when you apply. Only award winners will be asked for photos.

20. What is the difference between the summary of achievements and the resume?
The summary is an essay, in your words, with a max of 500 words to describe why you are the best candidate for this award category. The resume is a listing of your experiences and achievements. There are many web resources for writing resumes.

21. What do you mean “must submit different references”? Does “reference” refer to a reference letter?

22. Can the reference letter be from the same person for different award categories?
The same person can provide a reference letter for each award category you apply for as long as each one is tailored, i.e., don’t use the same reference letter for a number of award categories.

23. What is needed for the two mandatory reference letters. How long should they be?
The reference letters show their relationship to you and your accomplishments that specifically relate to the awards criteria, and why you are the best candidate for the award. The letters are generally one page.

24. Should the resume relate directly to the award category I’m applying for?

25. Could I have more details to clarify the criteria for each award category?
The criteria for each award category are posted on the website.

26. I am somewhere between 1/8th and 1/16th Chinese. Do I qualify?
You are eligible due to your Chinese heritage.

27. Do I need proof of my Chinese ethnicity?
You are not required to provide proof of your Chinese heritage. Your electronic signature at the end of the application certifies that all of the information in your application, including your Chinese heritage, is accurate.

28. Do I need to fill in a Chinese name if I don’t have one?
This information is not mandatory.